Jannealer home page

Jannealer contains simulated annealing on top of a downhill simplex optimisation in multiple dimensions.

Example of use. Also download the package and look at the test classes in the net.sourceforge.jannealer.test package.

Download from the SourceForge project page

It is directly based upon the freely available JSimul package, but it aims to be slightly easier to integrate into an applications. It does not depend on any advanced modules or features like Swing, Apache Log4J, reflection, etc. JSimul traces its origin back to the downhill simplex from the "Numerical Recipies in FORTRAN/C/C++" books.

If you are looking for something with a GUI to play around with, perhaps JSimul is a better starting point. Also, the JSimul package has a nice web-site with references to work done on simulated annealing.

Jannealing features

Tips and tricks

Help wanted

If you have improvements to the code/docs or some cool examples, I'd like nothing better than to include them.

Send mail to "gowinex@users.sourceforge.net"


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